Metallic Epoxy Concrete Floor Coatings are a unique, elegant look that just can’t be replicated by any pre-engineered flooring system. Our Metallic Epoxy Floor Coating is composed of mica nano-particles coated with organic and inorganic pigments to create pearlescent and iridescent effects to create a marbleized 3-dimensional effect. When the metallic particles are mixed with epoxy they give the coating a shine that reflects light and creates an eye-catching dramatic color. Metallic Epoxy Concrete Floor Coatings provide a high gloss, multi-color finish that is common in basements, retail stores, garage floors and numerous other applications.
- Durable Superior chemical and abrasion resistance over pre-engineered floors
- Decorative Custom colors and textures available to compliment any decor
- Economical Cost-effective alternative to pre-engineered floors
- Clean Wax-free and economical to clean with soap and water
- Monolithic Seamless flow of wall-to-wall beauty that does not collect dirt, moisture or germs
- Low Sound Seamless and flexible surface that deadens the noise of foot traffic and carts
3-4 day intallation process
We diamond grind your concrete to achieve a proper surface profile for maximum adhesion of the epoxy. (If present) We fix any cracks or pitting that may exist using our polymer modified concrete or epoxy patch.
We apply a basecoat of a 100% solids commercial grade epoxy primer.
Apply the Metallic Epoxy Floor Coating.
apply a final topcoat of either polyaspartic or urethane